Sunday, August 31, 2008


There was a fun show at the Berdhouse Gallery.

Amanda Friedman, legend of photography...


Saturday, August 30, 2008


Friday, August 29, 2008


Wednesday, August 27, 2008


Another busy day at the Bicycle Kitchen, Los Angeles...

Bumped into Cache. He was replacing the mural across from the Kitchen. It looks great. Incredible. So many people were bummed when the last one was painted over. Me included.

Jenn Root!

Aaron and Lisa turned me on to these Japanese candies. Soda flavored...and then I stopped at the taco truck across from Langer's on Alvarado. Two thumbs way up.

Sunday, August 24, 2008


Started off the night at Subliminal Projects, who were having an opening.

Ran into the Bicycle Kitchen kids and joined them on their ride to just-opened Echo Park Bikes. So stop asking me where to get a bike. Now you know.

Jimmy's haircut got exponentially weirder.

We exited the bar to find this lush bouquet on our bikes!

Happy Birthday Orlando Godoy!

Saturday, August 23, 2008

8.22.08 The Germs (movie)

Went to see the Germs movie tonight. was terrible.

All of the surviving Germs were there, which was extra cool.

Don Bolles. Legend.

Some extra wasted punk rockers sat in the front. They had a lot of beer and a gallon of wine that they were passing around. And they smoked. The audience got really annoyed.SSHHHhhhhhhhh!!!....What??? I'm sorry, but who cares about the dialogue? The script was AWFUL. It was an UNINTENTIONAL parody of a rock bio. Anyway,there were a few shouting matches.I loved it! Best part of the night. At one point, the theater staff tried to kick them out. Punk is dead.

Thursday, August 21, 2008


Went out with the Westmoreland crew. Stayed up until 5am listening to hardcore records and eating candy. Fun!

Tuesday, August 19, 2008